Monday, February 25, 2013

Fun in the Sun

The Blue Devils were able to get outside during practice for the first time this year, utilizing the Fredonia State athletic turf.  The temperature got up to a mild 35 degrees (felt like 60), and with sunshine instead of wind or precipitation, the team was able to get some game-like work in.

With just over a week (10 days) until Opening Day, outfielders saw their first fly balls and infielders fielded fungos on the same surface they'll be playing on in Long Island.  The energy level was expectedly through the roof as players and coaches alike were excited to be let out of the confines of Steele Hall.

The indoor portion of practice was highlighted by three more Blue Devils achieving their mile goals set earlier this year.  The team is that much closer to a 100% success rate with respect to the mile, a point of focus this year stressing accountability and the need to set the bar higher.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Quinn Danahy
Major: Public Relations

Quinn attended Bishop Timon - St. Jude. He is the son of Susan and Joseph Danahy and one of four children. Quinn was recommended to the program by former Blue Devil and Timon grad Matt Sullivan. He also played under FSU Hall of Famer Mark Clifford at Timon.
In hugh school, Quinn played linebacker on the football team and also played on the hockey team. His hobbies outside of baseball and school revolve mostly around exercising. “I enjoy lifting and getting into shape. I take care of my body and my body takes care of me."

Quinn also takes care of business in the classroom. He edged out Doug Aldridge for the top freshman GPA with a 3.49.
When asked on how he hopes to contribute to the success of the team this year his response was," I'm going to work hard and try and help any way I can. I will work to get better every day and help others get better so we can have a good season."
Quinn is a Public Relations major and his career objective is to land a career/job right out of college with his major. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

We are LIVE

Hitters were excited to face some live pitching in the cage today.  Some of our veteran bats have been looking great off the tee and in front toss, but it's always an adjustment seeing the real thing, especially indoors.  That said, hitters' mental approach/pitch selection was the key point of emphasis today.  Know what you're looking to do, and execute it.

It's also beneficial for the pitchers to test their stuff against live swings after looking sharp in bullpens the last few weeks.  To a man, the hitters said Zach Hugg was the toughest to face.  He was painting the knee caps on both corners of the plate, with movement on all of his pitches.  Good to see from the Senior.

Outside the cage, competition was again the focal point.  A team can't succeed if its players don't fight for each other and hate to let their teammates down.  Ryan Fitzgerald didn't have his best practice Wednesday, but bounced back with a strong performance.  Surely his teammates noticed (certainly hard to not to notice a man Fitz's size laying out and snagging a hot shot to his backhand side).

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Wolf's on the prowl

Carl Wolf
Major: Sport Management

Carl was a Hilton High School Cadet in Rochester, New York. He is the son of Daryl and Julie Wolf and the oldest of three children. Carl was a three sport athlete at Hilton as he played basketball, football, and baseball.
Carl can’t seem to get away from Tim Horton's on campus. When asked where he liked to eat on campus his response was," I like Tim Horton's. I always seem to find my way to one."
He majors in Sport Management and in five years Carl hopes to be coaching or training with a baseball team.
Carl hopes to help contribute in any way he can this year. "I want to be part of the pitching staff. I enjoy playing with these guys and I will do everything in my power to help the team and my teammates towards winning a SUNYAC Championship."  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting to know: Doug Aldridge

Doug Aldridge
Major: Business

Doug is a Brighton High School native (same as teammate Connor Lorenzo). He is the son of Susan and Bruce Aldridge and the youngest of five children.

He currently lives in Chautauqua Hall and is majoring in Business with a long term focus of accounting.

Other than baseball, in high school Doug played basketball and enjoys playing golf in his spare time. When asked where he sees himself in five years his response was, “I will probably be in school still pursuing my masters at University of Buffalo. I'm a business major as of right now but I'd like to get into accounting. Everyone could use a personal accountant right?"

 Doug is also a fan of the Panini’s in the Williams Center dining area, along with the spinach and artichoke flat bread pizza.

When the question of his contribution to the team arouse, Doug had this to say, "I just want to help in any way I can. Helping players get better and working hard is important to our overall goal."  

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Locker Room Additions

Here are a couple of new posters hanging in the locker room.

Practice was a lot of speed camp, bunt defense and ground balls. Half the pitchers worked in bullpen sessions while the others did some arm strengthening and conditioning drills.

I'd like tio give a shout out to "Boppo" Schrantz. Hope you're feeling better, lil' fella.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 2

We began Week 2 with John Bennett and Kenny Johnston sharing Monday's Hammer. Both had great Week 1's and nobody outworks them.

Connor Lorenzo took home Tuesday's Hammer. Great work ethic and no one has ever heard a complaint from Connor. If I have a complaint, it's he works too hard. Always in the cage, always having coach Tantillo hitting him extra grounders.

For  the pitchers, we are upping the bullpens to four sets on Wednesday and plan on pulling out the radar gun to test some velocities. We will measure the fastball and changeup velocities, and set four will be for a strike-zone score. So far, Tommy Morris is leading the race. Keep shooting strikes, Tommy.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday baseball

Pitchers were split into two groups with half throwing bullpens with coach Bowman. Three sets -- the last one each pitcher got 10 pitches and we counted the number that he was able to throw under the string that we stretched across the zone about where the batter's knees would be. Tommy Morris nailed a perfect 10 of 10. The other pitchers all kept 7 of 10 under the string. The idea is to keep the ball down in the zone.

Infielders got a lot of reps. Coach Schrantz is a fungo machine. One of our goals heading into our workouts was to increase repetitions -- more ground balls, more swings, moore live at bats, etc.

Today's hammer went to Kyle Morse. Kyle had the best changeup of todays bullpens.

Tomorrow is the position players doing the pitchers workout, and the pitchers doing speed camp.