Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Outfield play

Our outfield play is not totally settled from the fall. We tried a number of different combinations. We had a lot of depth at catcher and infield, so we moved a handful of infielders to the outfield.

Senior Dan Greco returns. He split time in the outfield last year, and will be in the mix as a pitcher again this year. He's got a great arm (just needs to hit the cut off more often) and gets the most out of his at bats -- often it takes 12 pitches to strike him out. He'll be a bottom-of-the order hitter in our lineup when he plays. A lefty stick, great speed, like his brother Josh, nothing catches him by surprise on the field. E.G.

Sophomore Sean Larson looks to pick up some at bats this year. He's got a rocket arm in right field and the size to be a power hitter. He batted cleanup in H.S., but did not see any at bats last year. He led our team in innings pitched, and looks to do that again this year.

Sophomore Justin Burns is back and has made significant strides defensively -- he was an infielder in H.S. He's got the arm and great speed. He needs to be more aggressive on the bases than last year and trust his speed. If he can improve his hitting and square up some balls, his game will take off. He's strong.

Junior Ian Gallagher played short, third and DH last year. To get him in the lineup this year, we moved him to the outfield. He needs to play everyday and is rangy in the outfield. Basically, he's an Energy Giver, so I want him in our lineup.

Sophomore Ronnie Mannella is now in the outfield. He's a left-handed bat and his strength is doing whatever he needs to do. He played some short, third and pitched for us so far. He just got his new glove in and wants to play. First guy at practice all the time.

Sean Urckfitz is a transfer from MCC. He caught and played some third there. With all our catchers, we moved him to the outfield. He's fast and has a great arm. He and Lorenzo also spent an hour or two after every practice hitting in th cage. I think our bucket of balls and missing bats are still in his car.

Two freshmen are in the mix. Ryan Carmody is a smooth defensive outfielder and will get some starts this year. As he adjusts to college pitching, he could earn more playing time. Adam Bronson was a catcher in H.S. and moved to the outfield. He has a patient approach and as he makes some adjustments, will develop into a power hitter.

Heading into the spring, all our outfield spots are really still up for grabs. Greco and Larson will be on the mound at times. Gallagher still owns his infielder's glove and could play there. We have a long off season. Get better, fellas.

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