Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Catchers aplenty

Heading into this fall, we had eight catchers listed on our roster. We still have all eight, but moved some around. Catchers often make great coaches/managers, so their experience can be helpful. Each has made a solid contribution, and we are hoping to have a Catcher's Day at some point this year -- all eight in the game at once.

Experienced returnees
Dan Fetes and Brian Sheehan did the lion's share of the catching last year. Both swing lefty and are take-command type players.

Fetes played significant first base in high school/summer ball. He will see significant time there in the spring. He was our team's top hitter this fall, and, as we like to say, an Energy Giver. Our other first base options are all right-handed batters. Like any catcher, he wants to be back there mixing it up, but his versatility will help us. He was our best picker this fall, and loves to run the bases.

Sheehan has a strong arm, and at one point gunned down five straight baserunners in a four-game stretch in SUNYAC play last year. He isn't as fast as Dan, so his 'speed' won't be wasted behind the plate. He is also one of our top baserunners. Brian played some third base in high school, so that could give us a lefty bat option if needed.

Strong sophomores
Kyle Koslowski, Ryan Fitzgerald and Chris Messina all played well enough to earn the starting position this fall. Kos was our top power hitter and his throwing improved tremendously this fall. He also spent a lot of time learning the footwork to play first base. I just love his work ethic. He's strong as an ox and never takes a play off. He won a game this fall with his legs doing a great job advancing to third on a bunt, then scoring on a wild pitch that skipped only about five feet from the catcher. He had the dirtiest uniform on the team everyday.

Everything Fitz was told to correct from last fall was fixed. He was our top catcher as far as opponents base-stealing percentage against this fall. He a strong, husky kid with a great bat (built a lot like Phil Gavin). He broke into college baseball with a four-hit game last year. He's ready to go.

Messina came to the team from UB last January, so he did not have as much opportunity as a freshman. He's got huge arms and can hit and block like a beast.  He is another left-handed bat. He did play a little second base in high school, so he can play there when we have our Catcher's Day.

All three sophomores could end up starting for us. Overall, our catchers had the strongest fall as far as batting.

New guys
Sean Urckfitz (Monroe) and Sam Marren (FLCC) are a pair of transfers, and Adam Bronson is a freshman. I don't know if any of them will do much catching at all, but having depth here does not hurt.

Urckfitz is fast, and has a strong arm. He should end up as one of our four main outfielders this year. he tries to out-work everybody. His work ethic is where a lot of guys need to be. I told him if he wants to make our TEAM better, grab a few freshmen and get THEM in the weight room.

Marren played a great thirdbase this fall, and caught sparingly. He did not make an error all fall, and made some great plays. He caught a little and did well.

Bronson is behind a lot of guys. He is our strongest freshman and will develop into a power bat. I had him a lot in the outfield this fall, and he has shown great footwork. As strong as he is, he needs to use his lower half in throwing and hitting. He made a lot of positive adjustments this fall. He just needs more at bats right now. He also runs well. A lot of potential. He reminds me of a young Ryan Fitzgerald.

With eight catchers, practices sure run smoothly. I can remember when Fusco was our only catcher back in 2004. That was rough!

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