Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Teammate, Captain, Leader: Erik Krohl

Erik Krohl is one of this year's team captains. A business major from Syracuse, he has not only done a great job on the field, but is very focused in the classroom. He forms part of the "Donaldson Drive" double-play combo with neighbor Ciro Frontale (Erik went to West Genny, and Ciro went to Bishop Ludden H.S.), and has been helpful in recruiting in the Syracuse area for the team. Freshman Bailey Gauthier also went to West Genny (and plays shortstop), and we have a few hot prospects from that area this year.

Erik was injured on Opening Day last season, and received a medical redshirt, so he may be back next year. He earned his starting spot at SS as a freshman, beating our John Bennett after a handful of games. Bennett, of course, went on to be a Fredonia baseball legend.

Erik excels at 'Mo-vember'.

Coach's comment: "Gamer."

Baseball Operations Manager Tim Fairhead sat down with Erik so you could get to know him a little bit better

1) Going into your senior year, who has been the most influential player in your career?
     Conner Lorenzo. Since we were both middle infielders, we spent a lot of time together and he showed me what kind of work ethic you need to have to succeed at the college level.

2) If you could be any age for one week what age would you pick and why?
     I'd say 27. You're still young and can enjoy life but at the same time people will take you serious. 

3) What is the most memorable class you have ever taken at Fredonia?
    Organizational behavior with Susan McNamara

4) What is your favorite memory as a Blue Devil thus far in your career?
     Every spring trip to Florida. After being inside for 6 a.m.'s for a few weeks there's no greater feeling than getting on the field with your teammates in nice weather. 

5) If you were stranded on an island with two other teammates who would you pick and why?
     Ciro and Ryan Carmody. Ciro has been my neighbor back in Syracuse my entire life so he's pretty much another brother to me and I've been living with Ryan since freshman year so we already know how to deal with each other for a long duration of time.

6) What is your greatest strength on the field? Off the field?
     On the field I would say leading by example.  I'm not always the most vocal person so I like to lead with my work ethic.  Off the field I would say just being a good person. I always try to help somebody if they need it.

7) What is your most memorable baseball moment?
     In Cooperstown at the Field of Dreams Tournament we were playing a team coached by former MLB player Todd Zeile. We were losing by 4 runs and my teammate Kevin McAvoy (drafted by the Red Sox in 2014 draft) hit a grand slam to send the game into extra innings. In extras, I somehow fouled a ball off my face and two pitches later hit a walk-off homerun to win the game.

8) If you had to cook one meal for the entire team what would you make and why?
     Chicken riggies. Who doesn't like them?

9) If you were trapped in a TV show for one week what show would you choose?
     The League

10) Describe one of your teammates with just 5 words, than list their name
     Respectful. Focused. Motivating. Ambitious. Generous. I can't put one name cause those words really describe our entire team.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Anthony Schiro

Senior Anthony Schiro is our incumbent starting catcher as a senior. He went to Niagara Wheatfield H.S, but did not become a catcher until he went to Niagara County C.C. Part-way through his sophomore year, he became the starting catcher and helped lead the team to a No. 2 finish at the JUCO World Series in Tyler, Texas.

Anthony was a big reason we had two First-Team All SUNYAC pitchers last year -- Sean Larson (the FSU Male Athlete of the Year) and Kyle Grey, who made it as a relief pitcher.

He is known for his easy-going manner and positive attitude. He already has a job lined up after graduation, and is on his way to being successful on and off the field.

A sports management major, he is currently interning with a baseball academy just outside of Niagara Falls this semester -- passing along his knowledge. A typical catcher. Let's see what Anthony has to say:

A drawing done for Anthony by a friend

1) Who has been the most influential Blue Devil in your career thus far?
     Kenny Johnston, because he is a hard worker and a good leader, and he is very talented on the field.

2)What is your favorite season of the year?
     My favorite season of the year is summer because I get to play baseball and golf everyday.

3)What is your greatest strength on the field?
     My greatest on the field strength would have to be controlling the game behind the plate, and making the pitchers think as little as possible.

4)What is an interesting fact about yourself?
     Following the first game of the Junior College World Series I got interviewed on television for having an outstanding game. (Niagara C.C.C, 2013)

5)If you had to cook a meal for the entire team what would it be?
     I would cook grilled cheese, its simple and delicious.

6) What is your most memorable baseball moment?
     My most memorable baseball moment would be losing in the Junior College World Series finals in extra innings on a controvertial call.

7) If you were stranded on an island with two other teammates who would you pick and why?
     I Quinn Danahy because we could him (he has the most meat on him), and R.J. Spinella because he is super smart we could handle every situation well.

8) What song will you request for your walk up song?
     I will pick O.A.R. This Town as my walk up song.

9) Who is your celebrity crush?
     Anna Kendrick because she is the best looking.

10) If you could vacation anywhere ion the world where would it be?
     I would go to Hawaii because I feel like its all beaches and there is always good weather.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Brotherly love, Ryan and Mike Carmody

Another duo of brothers for the Blue Devils are the Carmodys -- Ryan and Mike.

Ryan is a senior outfielder but still has another year of eligibility after a medical red shirt in his freshman year. Will he come back an extra year to play with Mike? Mike is a catcher who brings a lot of confidence to the field as a freshman. The Carmody brothers could often be seen exchanging words behind the dish during inter-squad games.

The duo hails from Montgomery, New York and went to Valley Central H.S. Ryan is an Exercise Science major, while Mike is undecided.

While the Carmodys are fine players, the most important member of the family is Edythe. Every two years when we travel to New Paltz, Mrs. Carmody cooks up the finest meal of the year after the game. They are a 20-minute Drive from Hawk's Field. Best meal of the season.

Ryan, left, and Mike stopped by the office after a round of BP in the cage. They then headed to the weight room. Tonight, after dinner together, they will head to the library for some studying.
Baseball Operations Manager Tim Fairhead sat down with the duo to learn a little more about them:

1) Who is the better hitter?
     Ryan: Big Carm is clearly the better hitter.
     Mike: Ryan is a good hitter don't get me wrong, but I'm still better than he is.
2) Mike, what is the most important thing you have learned from Ryan?
     A work ethic.
3) Which brother has the better opportunity to get above a 3.0 GPA this season?
     Ryan: I'd say we both have a good opportunity to beat a 3.0.
     Mike: We both are going to have above a 3.0.
4) You're 4 years apart, is this the first time you have played on the same team? If not what other teams did the duo star on?
     The brothers played one year of little league together while their Dad and Uncle Billy coached the team.
5) The family just got a new car, which brother gets the old family car?
     Ryan: Mike would probably get the new car
     Mike: I'm a much better driver than Ryan, so I'd get the car
6) If you both had to cook a meal for the whole team what meal would you cook?
     Ryan: I'd definitely be cooking some Chicken Parm.
     Mike: If I'm cooking for my team they're having the meal of their lives. I would start with a nice appetizer some fried Calamari to really warm their taste buds up. After that I'm bringing out the second course, some clam chowder and a nice Caesar salad. Then for the main course -- a juicy filet mignon fresh off the grill. The main course will be followed by a sorbet to cleanse the pallet for dessert. The dessert I would serve would be a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake.

7) Mike, there is a big rumor you are a KISS fan, tell us more about that experience.
     The KISS incident happened my senior year when me and three of my friends dressed up as the famous band KISS for celebrity day in our high school. That led to us getting kicked out for safety issues. Us getting kicked out blew up all over social networks which lead to a bunch of local radio stations calling and interviewing us to hear our side of the story. Eventually we became the 3rd most searched thing on the internet and radio stations all across the country were calling to interview us. A radio station in Phoenix, Arizona called us and interviewed us then gave us free tickets to the Rock and Roll hall of fame inductions. The day after the Rock and Roll hall of fame we were interviewed on the Today Show and we met the band KISS. 
--> Mike, which band member were you? Gene Simmons
--> Ryan: Favorite KISS song? Rock and Roll All Night
--> Mike? Detroit Rock City  

8) Ryan, who has been the most influential Blue Devil in your career at Fredonia?
     Dan Greco is probably the most influential Blue Devil I have ever played with.
--> Mike, you've met a number of players when visiting your brother, etc. Which alum did you know the best?
Dan Greco and Dan Fetes

9) Walk up songs?
     Ryan: Something by the Drop Kick Murphys (an Irish rock band).
     Mike: No idea.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Joe DiLeo. Baseball player

Joe DiLeo joined the Blue Devils this fall as a senior, giving the team a needed veteran arm. He spent two seasons at Erie Community College, then attended Central Methodist (Missouri) last year. He was recruited by coach Palisin out of ECC, and decided to finish his degree at Fredonia this year.

The righty is definitely a top-stepper as we found out during our fall game at Gannon. He was at the edge of the dugout disecting every pitch. He loves baseball. He has also spearheaded the staff's off-season workouts.

Joe is from a baseball family -- his brother Mark is a junior at Mercyhurst College. Although Joe is new to our program, he has several former teammates on our squad. He has five former teammates that he played with during his two seasons at ECC.
Joe DiLeo delivers a pitch last season as a member of the CMU baseball team.

Coaches comment: "Everything about Joe's attitude is positive. He makes our team better just by being around. If he can be more consistent with his mechanics, he can be one of the top relievers we've had. He will also push for starts on the mound." 

Joe grew up in Buffalo and attended St. Joe's Collegiate Academy, and is majoring in business.

Let's take a closer look.
1) Who is your favorite ECC teammate still with you? 
     I don't have a favorite, but Ricky (Mendiola) and Vinny (Sherman) are two of my closest teammates and friends. They'll definitely be in my wedding. 
2) What do you see as your role this season? 
     I see myself doing everything in my power to make my teammates and myself better ball players.
3) Who is your role model (non family member)?
     Derek Jeter. I love his professionalism.
4) Does Ricky Mendiola's flow look cool or should he go with a sleeker faster hair do?
     Ricky has the best hair in the league hands down.
5) Tell us your favorite Sherman brother story
     A few years ago Vinny and Kyle took me to the little village known as North Collins, where we embarked on unspeakable missions of mischief. 
6) How would you rate yourself as a hitter? Do you think you will get an at bat this season?
     Easily a sleeping giant. sometimes I scare myself with my hidden abilities. If the time is right I'm sure I won't let the team down.  
7) Who is your favorite baseball player? 
     Nolan Ryan, the guys a flat out stud. 
8) What Walkup/Pitching warm-up song will you request this season? 
     Beautiful Lasers - Lupe Fiasco.
9) What is your favorite spot on campus? 
     Williams Center. I love food. 
10) Who is your celebrity crush?
     John Cusack

Monday, November 3, 2014

Two for one. The Shermans.

A pair of new Blue Devils this year are the Sherman brothers -- Vinnie, a senior, and Kyle, a junior. The duo led the North Collins H.S. team to the state tournament a few years back, then played together at Erie Community College.

Vinnie spent last year at Georgetown University. Not that Georgetown, the one in Kentucky.

The Shermans are very similar in a lot of ways. Both bring intensity and fire to the team. Both played middle infield in high school and a lot of outfield at ECC. They both have sweet swings and are fast.

They way to tell them apart? Vinnie is about 30 pounds heavier (all muscle).

                                                    Vinny (Left) and Kyle (Right) with their Dad

Let's get to know them better.

1) What is your walk-up song?
     Kyle:  Either Takillya by Vinnie Maniscalco or Shell Shocked by Juicy J
     Vinny: I usually spend a lot of time choosing the right walk up. I haven't really thought about one for this year but in the past my walk ups have been "Hyptnotize" by Biggie Smalls and "Fireman" by 'Lil Wayne

2) Who is faster?
     Kyle: We will see who has more stolen bases at the end of the year.
     Vinny: Everyone looks at the size difference between Kyle and I and assumes he's faster. I probably beat him in a sprint, but long distance he would smoke me.

3)What was your best memory from ECC?
     Kyle: Both freshman and sophomore Florida trip.
     Vinny: There are too many memories from ECC to choose a specific one. I met some really amazing people because of ECC and I'll carry those memories for the rest of my life.

4) You guys live with another pair of former Kats. Any plans to get rid of all that ECC gear we see you all wearing all the time?
     Kyle: Once we get some more Fredonia gear.
     Vinny: Once we get enough Fred gear we'll stop wearing our ECC gear.

5) You played Legion ball and now AAA MUNY with senior Ben Senior, a known outdoorsman. Have you ever taken a hunting or fishing trip with Ben?
     Kyle: No but some crazy car rides.
     Vinny: Haven't been fishing or hunting with Ben. However, Ben has been a great teammate and we've had a lot of fun times playing ball together over the years.

6) Favorite spot on campus?
     Kyle: Steele Gym
     Vinny: Gotta be the Williams Center. Love the Mozzarella sticks!

7) Best hitter on our team?
     Kyle: Vinny Sherman
     Vinny: We have a lot of good hitters on the team who each have their own strengths and weaknesses. I just cant wait until the season starts so we can all start mashing.

8) North Collins is a small, small town. Best place to hang out in town?
     Kyle: Either Pizza Italia or the High School turf.
     Vinny:A lot of our friends like to hang out at the pizza place in town but we do a lot of hanging out at our high school turf playing sports.

9) Team's strength this year.
     Kyle: I would have to say our hitting, we are going to put up some good numbers this year.
     Vinny:I feel like this is the most complete team Ive played on in terms of the physical aspect of the game. But I think our teams biggest strength is our love of the game. It seems like everyone has something to prove and wants to win as a team and that will be our biggest strength when the season rolls around.

10) What surprised you most about our campus?
     Kyle: The amount of activities there are to do outside of school.
     Vinny: I really like all of Fredonia. The whole campus is really nice and the people are even nicer. Overall I'm really happy to be here.

11) Who does mom like better? Dad?
     Kyle: Mutual, nobody is favorited by either parent.
     Vinny: Kyle is the baby of the family so he tends to get the benefit of the doubt most of the time. Our parents obviously don't play favorites. They're both really excited to watch us play together one last time.

12) Favorite movie?
     Kyle: Hardball
     Vinny: My favorite movie has got to be Hardball. Its a great story and the ending gets me every time.