Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I want to catch bullpens... The John Bennett Story

John Bennett played two seasons in a Blue Devil uniform. I recruited him out of high school, but he opted for Finger Lakes C.C.

John later decided to attend Fredonia and was our opening day shortstop his junior season. At the plate, he was pull-happy and over swung his 32-inch bat. He batted .159 and found himself in a backup role by mid-season. Seven hits all year.

Heading into his senior season, we moved him into the outfield, and did not think there would be much of an impact. Five games into his senior season, he had yet to see the field, but continued to work hard. His first start came in the sixth game of the year. Three hits. I have always said our team is a Meritocracy -- if you earn a start, you will play.

He started against Houghton the next day. In game one, he led off the bottom of the seventh of a 4-4 game with a double. A sac bunt and a base hit later, and we win. Clutch. He started game 2 against Houghton. We won handily in that game. What I remember about John, though, was asking to COME OUT of the game so freshman Quinn Danahy could get an at bat. Quinn had just rejoined the team after his grandmother passed away the day before the trip. I opted to leave John in the lineup, though. Quinn eventually got in.

That was typical for anyone that knows John -- always putting others before himself. John's great season is one of my favorite stories this year. He dealt through a lot of adversity as a junior, but rather than fade away, he worked harder and listened more closely. He asked coach Greco what he needed to do over the summer to get better -- and did it. All winter and spring, either he or Kyle Koslowski would stop by the office everyday to get the key to the batting cage. The extra work paid off.

John's batting average never dipped below .333 all season. His biggest game came against Brockport when he had two big RBI and robbed a home run in a 4-3 win at home. Clutch. A legendary game at the Wig.

Always a positive outlook, John was not in the lineup against Brockport the following week despite hitting over .400 at the time. John asked to catch bullpens that day (we only had one catcher all season) so he "could see more pitches." Always trying to get better. Always a team guy.

John will be missed, but we will see the Bennetts around campus for a few years. His brother was a freshman on the soccer team this past fall.

Thanks again for a great career and a great season!

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