Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Swinging away in the new cage

Tuesday's practice was a lot of hitting. After a couple of weeks, some of the players are making some adjustments. Adam Bronson and Justin Burns took home the co-Hammer Tuesday for making hitting adjustments from the fall.

Afternoon pitching sessions began this week. A strength of the team will be the deep quality of our staff -- which also makes it competitive for each pitcher. We have added three more lefties to go along with 'Ace' this year in addition to 14 quality hurlers overall.

We are looking at beginning hitters throwing live to hitters a little earlier this year. Usually we wait until about two weeks before we go to Florida. Late next week we'll roll out the mounds in the new batting cage.

Here junior catcher Brian Sheehan speaks to Jake Nowak about the new cage.

A big THANKS to A.D. Greg Prechtl and Assistant A.D. Megan Valentine for making this happen. New bleachers last year, new press box (replacing the 'O'Dell Hotel') this summer. Things keep getting better!

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