Monday, October 27, 2014

Hometown Hero. Max Schrantz.

The Devils picked up a solid stick this year with the addition of Max Schrantz. Max graduated from Dunkirk High School, then went to Mercyhurst-North East for two years. He was an All-Region DH and helped the Saints excel in the DII Regional Tournament.

Max is no stranger to our program. He and his younger brother, "Boppo", have attended a number of our clinics in the past. His dad, Frank, coined the phrase "top-stepper" when he was a volunteer assistant a few years back.

Max (left) with former Fredonia assistant Frank, and brother, "Boppo".

Max is also the cousin of teammate Jake Harford and an avid racquetball player.

Let's see what Max has been up to so far.

1) What kind of bat do you swing and why?
     I swing Carrera bats, my dad actually works for the company so he is the one who introduced them to me. I've used them for the past few years and now I can't imagine using anything else.

2) What did you like about Mercyhurst North East?
      My favorite thing about Mercyhurst NE was probably just all the friends I made along the way. By the start of last baseball season we were down to about 20 guys on the team so we became very close.

3) Plans after graduation?
      Honestly I'm not quite sure, I'm working towards a degree in business so I hope to have some opportunities come up after graduation.

4) What is your summer job and do you see yourself sticking with it after graduation.
      I've worked for the City of Dunkirk in the streets department for the last few summers...I'm a garbage man. Hopefully I have some more opportunities after graduation.

5) Most under-rated Blue Devil.
      I don't think any specific player is underrated, I think the team is. We have a lot of guys on the team that can play and it is now up to us to prove it this spring.

6) Better beard mustache combo -- RJ Spinella or Quinn Danahy?
     We will see at the end of no shave November.

7) Cousin Jake is slim and tall. Can he throw down a lot of food.
      I've seen him put down enough food to feed a family of five.

8) You are a local. Where is the best spot to grab a meal in the Dunkirk-Fredonia metroplex?
      Depend on what you're in the mood for, DeJohns downtown has great Italian food, Sullivan's down route 20 for burgers,  or One Stop in Dunkirk for subs. And Mary's Deli in Dunkirk is better than Mary's Deli in Fredonia.

9) If you had to be stranded on a desert island with any one player, who would it be? Why?
      Probably Jake, we wouldn't last long but at least I would go out laughing

10) Will our team get a 3.0 this year?
       I would be surprised if we didn't.

Max's Quote of the Day:
"Baseball is 90 percent mental and the other half is physical." -Yogi Berra

Thursday, October 23, 2014

He can do no wrong, Josh Crocetti

Josh Crocetti comes to Fredonia from Hilton H.S. in Rochester and plays second base, left field, center field, and even listed himself as a pitcher. He's an outfielder. He is also an accomplished multi-sport athlete... sort of. He was a First Team All County punter for the Cadet football team.

Coach Palisin says... "Josh came from an outstanding High School program and was immediately able to execute what we asked him at the plate. Showed a lot of polish for a freshman. He also showed great range in center. He is a big part of the reason we are excited about this freshman class."

Baseball Operations Manager Tim Fairhead sat down with Josh to learn a little more about him:

1) What's your Twitter handle?

2) Cranston or Willy C for food on campus?
     Willy C.

3) Favorite thing about Fredonia so far?
       People are very friendly.

4) Least favorite thing about Fredonia this far?
      The fact there is not a football team.

5) What's the most unusual thing you have ever eaten?

6) What's your favorite non baseball hobby?
       Any other sport.

7) What can you tell us about your roommate, Steve Zaprowski?
       He was the Homecoming King at Williamsville South HS

8) If you could meet any living MLB player who would it be and why?
       David Wright, he is my favorite Mets player.

9) What do you think you learned from your first fall ball with the Blue Devils?
        I learned that competition is strong and you always have to work hard to earn a spot.

10) What is the number one thing you will bring to the team this season?
        Intensity to win games.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bailey Gauthier -- West Genny connection

Freshman Bailey Gauthier played his high school ball at West Genesee in Syracuse. He will compete for time at shortstop again this year with another West Genny grad, Erik Krohl. Bailey was also coached by former Blue Devil Al Schoeneck (a West Genny grad) a few years back when Al was a volunteer assistant at W.G.

Bailey rooms fellow freshman Mike Carmody. Having his former teammate Erik already in our program, and rooming with Mike, whose brother Ryan is a senior at FSU, Bailey and Mike had a smooth transition into college. They are the "Veteran Freshmen".

Bailey also pitched in high school, and put up some good strikeout numbers on the mound. He may see some time for the Blue Devils this spring.

According to coach Palisin, Bailey will have an immediate impact on the team. "Bailey had a great showing in our play date against Gannon. He matches his talent with a killer instinct and attitude. He has already stepped up to show he belongs."

Baseball Operations Manager Tim Fairhead sat down with Bailey to learn more about him:

1) What is one fact you can tell us about your roommate Mike Carmody?
    All he does is hit dingers on the baseball field.

2) Whats your favorite non baseball hobby?
     Working Out.

3) If you were stranded on island with 3 of your teammates who would you pick?
     I would pick Erik Krohl, Quinn Danahy, and RJ Spinella.

4) What walk up song will you request this season?
      300 Violin Orchestra by Jorge Quintero.

5) You get your dream job right after graduation, what job is it?
      Coaching an MLB Team.

6) What was your favorite nickname in High School?
      Randy Goatiay.

7) Who is your celebrity crush?
       Jennifer Lawrence (sorry -- no links here)

8) If money didn't matter for 1 day what would you do that day?
      I would take a trip to Italy and eat as much chicken parm, chicken riggies, alfredo, Italian bread, pizza as I can and get my own personal Italian chef to feed me everyday. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Looking down on the world: Kyle Smith

Kyle Smith is a right-handed pitcher from Wheatland-Chili High School. At 6'5'', he is the tallest Blue Devil. Kyle is a finance major and wants to become a stock broker after his time at Fredonia.  His sister graduated from Fredonia, and Kyle's dad works with Blue Devil alum Conner Lorenzo's dad.

He rooms with fellow freshman, Mike Bessette, his teammate from his American Legion team.

Kyle really loves baseball.

Baseball Operations Manager, Tim Fairhead, sat down with Kyle to get to know him better.

1) Other than baseball what is your favorite hobby?

2) What is your favorite part of Fredonia so far this year?
         Meeting all the new people.

3) You have the opportunity to get one player in the Baseball Hall Of Fame autograph, who do you choose and why?
         Cy Young because he is one of the most famous pitchers ever to play the game.

4) What is the #1 played song on your IPod?
          Come With Me Now, by the Kongos.

5) If you could live anywhere in the United States where would it be?
          Florida, because I love the heat and could play year round.

6) What fact can you tell us about your roommate, Mike Bessette?
           He's originally from Orlando.

7) Favorite Athlete?
           Peyton Manning

8) In one word, describe pitching coach Matt Bowman.

9) Twitter handle?