Friday, January 31, 2014

Two more days in the books

We got the bats out for today at practice. Hitters took some rips off the tee, then we finished with target practice. The freshmen struggled to hit the target (7 out of 36). So old man Greco steps up and nails the target four times in his first six tries. The greenhorns have some work to do.

Ciro Frontale looked real good off the tee and showed why he was All CNY back at Bishop Ludden. He took home the 'W' for a great practice and spoke about how his new team has accepted him and his love of competition. He's a gamer.

Coach Bowman did a bunch of PFP and pitcher-specific work outs. During the stretching, freshman Cody Herman was in the center of the circle, and each pitcher asked him questions to get to know him better. He likes rap music and the Broncos and revealed his celebrity crush.

Yesterday, Dan Lumadue took home his first 'W'. The big freshman looks like a finisher -- runs through every sprint, does what he's told, looks you in the eye. Veteran teammates appreciate the way he goes about things every day. He wrapped up practice by shaking everyone's hand and offering a word of encouragement as each player walked out the door.

I'd like to give a shout out to Taylor Gahagen (2011). He is on the cover of this quarter's Statement, the Fredonia State alumni magazine. There is feature article (along with Maddie Brown soccer, 2013;  and Nik Fattey, hockey, 2002) about their jobs with HARBORCENTER and the involvement with the Sabres. Taylor offered up some Sabres tickets for us -- we may take him up on that at some point.

Taylor was a stellar hockey goalie in high school, and his brother Parker played for the junior Sabres and is currently playing for Army. Taylor got his Master's degree at Canisius where he worked with the Golden Griff hockey team.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pete misses baseball

Day 3 saw the pitchers throw off the mounds. The staff took advantage of the long break, and were able to come into camp with the arms in decent shape. It was a treat to have four catchers for bullpens. Last year, it was Brian Sheehan and some infielders that never caught in their life. Big difference.

We did some sprints at the end of practice. Bobby Frantz topped RJ Spinella, Conner Lorenzo and Scott Schuster in the sprints. FSU's 'fastest man'.

Jason Howard took the W today. He's on light duty, but continued to participate in the mile and have a positive attitude.

A shout out to Pete Lusk (class of 2009). He is now working for the Athletic Department at George Washington Univ. Pete said " I'll never forget the nerves and excitement that came before the first day of 6:00 a.m. practice. Having been at three different Universities since I left Fredonia, I can honestly say I have never seen a team prepare like we did." Pete had stops at Fordham and Farleigh Dickinson prior to G.W.

That "prepared" 2009 team went on to set just about every school record that season.

I always hear from a bunch of former players this time of year. A lot of stories and memories creep up from the days of 6 a.m.s.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Better than yesterday

Day 2 was a much better showing. We re-ran the mile, and will continue to do so until all the players are up to speed. We skipped the baseball stuff and did a little extra conditioning this morning. Accountability means you have to reach the standard you set. With 40 games in about 50 days, we have to be in good condition for the long season.

Carl Wolf took the win off the table today. Another solid day of conditioning. He's come into practice ready to roll. He and our only other returning sophomore, Quinn Danehy, had solid days at practice.

We wrapped up the conditioning with some competitions. The eight seniors took down the eight freshmen in Tug O' War , but not before a good fight. We finished with one-on-one conditioning, with all the winners forming Team Schuster. Scott and RJ Spinella put up the best times yesterday, and Scott took the head to head with the best time this morning. Team Spinella was made of the team of players that left a win on the table.

Tomorrow the mounds come out and bullpens begin. As Greg Maddux used to say, "You can't run the ball across the plate."

A shout out to Alex Foster and Tommy John. "Run with the wise."

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 1. Bury the Hammer.

First day of classes means first 6 a.m. workout. We were able to begin with our mile times, which, in general, were poor. Today we missed some of the verteran-ness we had last year. A lot of new faces. Tomorrow needs to be a lot better.

On a good note, Carl Wolf broke the longest-standing conditioning record. His 5:04 mile was 0:01 better that Trey Johnson's record of 5:05. Only a sophomore, he's developed into solid leader.

Several 2013 grads checked in during the morning via texting. Here's what they had to say:

Ian Gallagher: "Wish I was there coach. Hope the first practice went well. Those guys have no idea how lucky they are."

Angelo Sciandra: "Wish I was there, too. coach! I miss it!"

Dillon Lowe: "Wish I was there."

Jake Nowak: "I'd do just about anything to be at practice instead of work right now. Good luck coach."

Zack Hugg: "Good luck this season. Hope to catch a few games this semester."

Brian Sheehan stopped by last Sunday to work our clinic. He's planning to be at some practices over the next few weeks.

Dan Fetes checked in last week: "Miss Fredonia and baseball a ton."

John Bennett: "Oh trust me sir. I would give a lot to be out there."

We started a new tradition today as well. The Hammer jumped the shark when Ian Gallagher took it with him last spring and never gave it back, so we retired it and replaced it with a wooden 'W'. Our motto this year is "Wins on the Table." Tommy Morris won the first 'W' and gave the post-practice speech. He did very well in the conditioning, and had the most energy at practice today.

I'd like to give a shout out to John Messina (2011) and Shawn Ridgway (2006). John recently moved up to Rochester and is employed at the same place Shawn is -- The New York State Office of Family and Children's Services.